The Other November Decision New York State And Equal Rights Amendment Panel Discussion Q & A At LTV Studios

LTV Studio’s and League of Women’s Voters will host “The Other November Decision New York State at the Equal Rights Amendment” on Saturday, March 9 from 1 to 5 p.m. The afternoon will feature a panel discussion with Q&A Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, retired State Senator Sandy Senn and Laura Harding, President of Erase Racism. Guests will also enjoy music by HooDoo Loungers, an LTV Women’s History Art Show, a brief talk with NYS E.R.A and the community, local leaders Minvera Perez, Rainbow Chavis and Marissa Velasquez- Rosante, short films, complimentary wine from Channing Daughters and Suhru Wines, and food and beverage from Incredible Eats will be available for purchase. Admission is free and the event is open to the public.