AB NY Gallery has added two new painters to its summer programming in East Hampton. Elise Ansel and Kyle Hittmeier both studied at the prestigious Rhode Island School of Design which was founded in 1877 by Helen Metcalf in an effort to increase the accessibility of design education to women.

The program has since nurtured the talent of students through preparation of the self-fueled search of meaning to represent culture in their chosen medium. The output of this style of education is an artist with a broad understanding of historical and social context with the ability to embrace aesthetic styles and challenge the discussion of art through their studio practice.
With Ansel’s new series of work, the sculptural “Celestial” paintings, the viewer is rewarded with the energetic movement in the artist’s application of paint and understanding of art history to continue the conversation of Old Master paintings which she flawlessly translates from a feminine perspective onto the surface of linen canvas.
Hittmeier’s multi-media studio practice includes a series of NFT’s found on Foundation
App. Hittmeier uses an algorithm to generate a solution to the X,Y & Z axis composition
on his canvas which he paints by hand. With the canvas as medium, the viewer can understand how Hittmeier’s algorithm defines the intersection of this unique interaction and moment in art history.
Opening Saturday June 4, from 6:30 to 8:30 PM, “Showings in Four Dimensions” is a group curation. The installation will run until June 28 at 62 Newtown Lane in an industrial space turned gallery found at the back lot of Schenck Fuels in East Hampton Village.