“Change” From The Vedic Perspective

The Vedic worldview, which is knowledge in each of us, shows us the way to evolution is through change. If we look at a tree over the span of a year, we will notice that leaves fall, begin new growth, blossom, ripen, and then fall again. Nature evolves naturally from season to season without resisting. Trees accept that constant change is necessary to continue the cycle of life. If a tree resisted the dropping of leaves, new growth would never be able to occur. The same is true for us humans. We must keep moving forward. When we put one foot in front of the other the path appears. If we stay still, afraid to create, afraid to evolve or afraid to take new chances, we become stagnant and stuck. The path does not light up to those who remain in one place.

Sometimes moving forward can seem frightening because it is unfamiliar. When change seems scary, we need to ask ourselves if we are resisting it due to the mind wanting to favor the known. The mind prefers to stay in the comfort zone of habits, no matter if they are healthy or unhealthy. That is why it can be difficult to break a habit. However nothing of greatness was ever born by staying comfortable. Growth always comes from stepping into the unknown.

To help us become comfortable with change, the unknown, we meditate. Each time we practice meditation, we are stepping into the unknown. We are letting go of repetitive thoughts, our previous state of consciousness and most importantly our stresses. This helps us to see the world in a different way. Instead of looking at new experiences as potentially dangerous, we look at them in alignment with the truth of nature. We begin to build a worldview that all change is progressive change and every moment is meant to be gratifying.


Amy Kalaczynski

Amy teaches Vedic Meditation and founded the Montauk Meditation Club. She studied in India with Thom Knoles and trained under Jeff Kober the past few years. She’s also a certified yoga instructor. Living in Montauk she enjoys being outside surfing, gardening and hiking. www.MontaukMeditationClub.com

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