James Lane Post presents the “East End Community Spotlight” series, highlighting non-profit organizations doing work on the East End. To submit a non-profit organization to be featured in this series, email info@jameslanepost.com.
Hampton Lifeguard Association was established to waterproof the South Fork and beyond through education and training. They will host a summer kick-off benefit event on Saturday, May 4, from 5 to 9 PM at The Clubhouse in East Hampton. The event will feature music from DJ CK Beats, line dancing, a 50/50 raffle, a chance auction, and a silent auction with gift certificates to local businesses, spa treatments, gift baskets, trips, and more.

Can you tell us about your organization?
Hampton Lifeguard Association is a non-profit organization that was established in 1992 with a mission to waterproof Long Island’s South Fork and beyond through education and training. In order to promote the safe use and enjoyment of our many water resources in all communities, we provide assistance and participation in water safety programs and lifeguard activities that maintain the well-being for its members and the surrounding communities. In addition, we uphold a high standard of lifeguarding through training and lifeguard competitions for all age group programs. We do not run programs, but strictly support the organizations that make great strides in building programs that help to promote water safety. Some of these programs include, but are not limited to, the East Hampton Town Nipper Program, East Hampton Town & Village Junior Lifeguard Programs, East Hampton YMCA Hurricane Swim Team, East Hampton High School Swim Team, In-School Learn to Swim Programs, East Hampton Volunteer Ocean Rescue, the East Hampton Town and Village Lifeguards, and the East Hampton and Southampton Lifeguard competition teams.

Could you talk about the importance of this work on the East End?
Over the past 32 years, Hampton Lifeguard Association has educated and trained tens of thousands of people on the South Fork and beyond about the importance of water safety. It is impossible to calculate how many lives have been saved, but in 1992, we knew we would be educating our youth today to save many lives in the future. Our organization can not say thank you enough to the Town and Village Boards and the YMCA for their support and the programs they provide to continue to promote water safety.
How can the East End community get involved?
From Hampton Lifeguard Association to the community, HLA hopes parents, family, and friends encourage and engage children in learn to swim and water safety programs, which includes the East Hampton Town Nipper Program and East Hampton Town & Village Junior Lifeguard Programs. As well, HLA hosts an annual kick-off to summer fundraiser each year in May that we invite all to attend. This year’s event will be held at The Clubhouse on May 4, from 5 to 9 PM. Finally, we encourage all to support HLA by becoming a member. Membership offers the opportunity to get involved in our organization’s mission by joining HLA committees to help spread the mission of water safety in our community. For more information, please visit our website at hamptonlifeguardassociation.com.