To celebrate its 90th birthday, Guild Hall released a 12-minute film celebrating the storied history of the institution. One of the first multi-disciplinary centers in the country, Guild Hall was founded on August 19, 1931 by philanthropist Mary Woodhouse on the principle that participation in the arts creates greater civic engagement.
Guild Hall: The Sandbox (1931–2021) features commentary by leadership and members of the Guild Hall Academy on what makes this “creative sandbox” singular in its approach to the arts. The film features Laurie Anderson, Alice Aycock, Bob Balaban, Alec Baldwin, Marty Cohen, Renee Cox, Jeremy Dennis, Jeannine Dyner, Bran Ferren, Eric Fischl, Audrey Flack, Josh Gladstone, April Gornik, Adam Green, Andrea Grover, Sherrye Henry, Barbara Kruger, Robert Longo, Anthony Madonna, Christina Mossaides Strassfield, Arcmanoro Niles, Bess Rattray, David Rattray, Alexis Rockman, and Toni Ross.
The Sandbox was directed and produced by Nick Goldfarb and James Salomon, written by Dan Pulick, and edited by Daniel Casker, with videography by Michael Casker and Joe Brondo, and sound recording by Todd Johnson and Patrick O’Leary. Additional support was provided by Andrea Grover, Amy Steinhaus Kirwin, Joe Brondo, Michael Halsband, Patrick McMullan/PMc, and Elise Trucks.
“Guild Hall has been a sandbox for creativity since its inception in 1931. Founder Mary Woodhouse’s vision that access to the arts would make us better citizens and closer neighbors is as relevant today as then. Nick Goldfarb and James Salomon have expertly captured this spirit in their 12-minute documentary,” shared Guild Hall Executive Director, Andrea Grover.