Opening Reception: Linda Colletta: Poetry & Punk Rock At J. Mackey Gallery East Hampton

Please join us for an evening with artist Linda Colletta
OPENING: Saturday, May 25 from 6 - 8 PM
J. Mackey Gallery
62 The Circle | East Hampton
EXHIBITION: On now through June 15
Post Grunge Neo Punk by Linda Colletta
Acrylic, oil, graphite, ink, and gloss medium on canvas | 40 x 50 in
J. Mackey Gallery in East Hampton is pleased to present “Poetry & Punk Rock” a solo exhibition of works by abstract artist Linda Colletta. Colletta’s work pushes the dimensional and tactile nature of painting in a way that elicits an enchanting tension between poetry and punk rock. She repeatedly uses the grid as a framework for juxtaposing dynamics to be shaped by a system of elegance and precision. “My process is a direct reflection of my personal desire to alchemize hardships into heroism. All of my work begins with pooling paints onto multiple layers of unsized raw canvas, stretched flat to large-scale painting tables.”
Utilizing both sides of the canvas, the resulting underpaintings evolve over months in a non-formulaic manner, collecting extraneous effects of other processes, ultimately becoming the atmosphere of future paintings. She then draws, paints, tears, weaves, sews, staples, tapes, collages, and composes to establish order and resolve the hierarchy of what is seen and what is hidden in each finished work. “I continuously push the scale of my work as a show of force and physicality. I use this expansiveness as an access point into overlooked micro-moments which reveal a cyclical history of creation and deconstruction that I witness and experience throughout the terrain of my life.” The exhibition also highlights Colletta’s creative use of color which comes from an intuitive and emotional place, and explores the dichotomy between danger and liberation, themes that infuse her work with layered meanings and invite viewers into a participatory engagement with the process.
Curated by NYC-based designer and Media instructor Amie Hollmann.
For more information or to inquire about artworks
please contact Owner / Dealer | Justine McEnerney
917-592-8568 |