Ramblin’ Dan’s Freewheelin’ Band Classes At Project MOST
Project MOST has announced they will host outdoor classes with Ramblin’ Dan’s Freewheelin’ Band (https://www.ramblindanmusic.com) at their community learning center (44 Meadow Way, East Hampton NY) every Wednesday from June 19 through August 28. Classes will be held outside in a private grassy area, with an adjacent indoor option for bad weather. Semester spots cost $45 a class and drop-ins cost $50 each class. Siblings five months and under are free, and siblings over five months or twins are 50% for the second child. They will also host Wednesdays with Bandleader Jeff every week from June 19 – August 28. For a full summer schedule, and to register now, please visit: https://www.ramblindanmusic.com/easthampton.