Reflections In Music: Music Inspired By Music

Admission: $25
The innovative Reflections in Music series returns with artistic director Bruce Wolosoff inviting audiences to Music Inspired by Music.
The evening includes music inspired by Bach by Villa-Lobos, music written in the style of Borodine by Maurice Ravel, a musical portrait of Chopin by Robert Schumann, and the premiere of Bruce Wolosoff’s epic variations on House of the Rising Sun.
As John Lennon famously said, “Amateurs borrow, professionals steal (itself stolen from T.S. Elliot’s “Amateur poets borrow, mature poets steal.”)
Composers are often inspired by other art forms, but most frequently they are inspired by other music. Often these influences are unconscious and the composers themselves may be unaware of them, and at other times there is a more deliberate “borrowing” that may or may not be acknowledged by the composer! This program is of music in which the composer fully acknowledges their musical influences.
Photo by Tom Kochie.