"Stories" Small Works Series At Springs Library

"Stories" is titled Stories, and the library setting inspires the theme. The artists explore their work in terms of its "story" - the story explores its work in terms of its "story" - the story of its meaning, the story of its making, or a story it invokes. Artists will include a short piece of writing. The "Stories" hopes to inspire the importance of creative freedom the libraries encourage and protect.
Participating artists: Ross Bleckner, Nadia Block, Maud Bryt, Kieran Conlon, Peter Dayton, Idoline Duke, Alastair Gordon, Gillian Gordon, Dennis Lawrence, Christa Maiwald, Pamela Morgan, Kate Rabinowitz, Sienna Salamy, Cindy Sherman, Stacie Sinder
Opening Reception:
Sunday, June 9th 11a-1p
Closing Date: Monday, July 8th
The show will reopen on Monday, July 8, during library hours. Works for sale, 25% of sales proceeds will go to Springs Library.