"Hubble's Ultraviolet Legacy" — A Free, Virtual Event

Registration is required for this free, virtual event. Go to: https://hubble.eventbrite.com
Hamptons Observatory, and co-host Suffolk County Community College, are pleased to present a free, virtual lecture by Dr. Christopher T. Britt.
The largest program in Hubble’s history, the Ultraviolet Legacy Library of Young Stars as Essential Standards (ULLYSES), is laying the groundwork to understand the impact that young stars have on their environments, from the early universe to potentially habitable worlds. Understanding ultraviolet (UV) emission of high and low mass young stars is critical in order to make full use of the data coming in from the James Webb Space Telescope and other ground- and space-based observatories. The overarching goal is to provide a definitive data set on the first 10 million years of stellar evolution. Hubble will build a data set by gathering spectra, which spread light into its component wavelengths and reveal details about each star’s size, temperature, speed, distance and composition. The Hubble Space Telescope provides our primary window into the UV and the ULLYSES program will leave a legacy that will support the exploration of a range of research topics for decades to come.
Dr. Christopher T. Britt is the Education and Outreach Scientist at the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI). He works on NASA’s Universe of Learning and outreach for the Hubble and James Webb Space Telescopes, tying together science themes across multiple missions for the public that allows learners of all ages to directly engage with astrophysics. Prior to joining STScI, Dr. Britt was a post-doctoral researcher at Michigan State University and Texas Tech University, where his primary research focus was on compact binaries, where a compact object such as a white dwarf, neutron star, or black hole accretes material from a companion star through an accretion disk. Dr. Britt used multi-wavelength surveys of crowded regions to identify new compact object binaries in both the galactic field and in globular clusters. His research interests also include supernovae and supernova remnants.
Hamptons Observatory extends its deepest thanks to Dr. Britt for generously taking the time to share his expertise, and to co-host Suffolk County Community College for its kind collaboration.
While this lecture is free, donations to support our programs are needed and deeply appreciated. To make a tax-deductible donation to support our mission, please visit www.HamptonsObservatory.org and click on Support Us. Thanks!
Hamptons Observatory (HO), a 501(c)(3) NYS nonprofit that relies on public support, has served the community since 2005. Its mission: to foster interest in science, particularly astronomy, through educational programs. Lectures, star parties, portable planetarium shows and other events. HO has established the first astronomical observatory on the South Fork of Long Island (in East Hampton), complete with Long Island’s largest research-grade telescope. Hamptons Observatory offers all of its programs free-of-charge (although donations are greatly appreciated) so that everyone can learn about and enjoy the universe around them. To join our email list for news and event notices, please email HamptonsObservatory@gmail.com.