St. Patrick's Day At GHBC
Get Your GREENport On!
Join us at Greenport Harbor Brewing Co. for an all-day St. Patrick’s Celebration on Sunday, March 16! Enjoy classic corned beef & other Irish fare, sip on hot toddies, and experience a Jameson whiskey tasting. Live music by Who Are Those Guys from 3-6 PM will keep the party going!
Limerick Contest Alert! GHBC will award a $25 gift card to the authors of the winning limerick about BEER. To enter, DM us with your entry by Friday, March 14th. Limericks must contain five lines. In-person submissions will take place @6pm after the band commences. The winning limericks will be announced on St Patrick’s Day
Your local brewery’s on a mission
To inspire your limerick submission
Of five lines in length
With rhymes of some strength
The best ones can win the competition.
Don’t miss out on the luck of the Irish—see you there!