Located in the former Chico’s at 8 Jobs Lane in Southampton, “ALICE HOPE: Priceless,” is a multimedia art “wind-stallation.” The artist’s work in this installation is created using accordioned chromed coat hangers, paper price tags, and strung can tabs. It’s all part of the Southampton Arts Center’s Storefront Art Project, presented in partnership with the Long Island Community Foundation.
“While assembling this installation, my query has been: What’s priceless? I hope for this unanswered question to be the subject of this installation, my first in a store front,” said Hope. “In our commodified world and in this commodified discipline, where value equates success, I’m aspiring to transform tens of thousands of blank price tags, a vast population of ephemera, into evanescence.”
The installation opened on November 5 and will remain on view for up to six months, or until the shop is once again occupied. SAC plans to continue to work with Morley Property Management on the project, providing willing landlords with vacant shops the opportunity to animate their windows with dynamic art installations.