Principal Greg D’Angelo of Greg D’Angelo Construction has announced Vice President David DiSunno has been made…
Saunders & Associates, an award-winning Hamptons-based real estate firm with over $2.3 Billion sold and…

It was a crazy year on too many levels to count when it comes to real estate on the East End. For the first time in decades, we saw well known brokers…
Douglas Elliman’s Michaela Keszler and Madeline Hult Elghanayan have put 1210 Meadow Lane in Southampton…
If Marie Antoinette were the Queen of France — or wherever — today, her in-house…
In the middle of 2020, we noticed a lot of Hamptons real estate agents closing…
No sector — outside of medical — was as profoundly affected by the global pandemic…
There is no doubt that builders on the East End were devastated when the New…
When we look back on 2020, most of us will cringe and shudder at the…
We can count on one, maybe two hands, who the real estate power players are…