Long Island Modern - Assembled In Light: Barnes Coy Architects And The Third Wave Of Long Island Modernism

LongHouse continues to explore the legacy of the modern movement on Eastern Long Island with Alastair Gordon moderating a discussion with Chris Coy, co-founder and principal partner of Barnes Coy Architects, who for the past thirty years have worked at the forefront of modern design in the Hampton. Chris and Alastair will present a half-hour video about Barnes Coy Architects, followed by a discussion with architect Lee Skolnick about the current state of architecture in the Hamptons.
A reception and book signing will follow, presenting two recent books about Barnes Coy's work: Assembled in Light: The Houses of Barnes Coy Architects (Rizzoli, 2020) and Beyond the Beach, The Making of a Dune House (Gordon de Vries Studio, 2022), both books written by Alastair Gordon and designed by Barbara de Vries.