i-tri kicked off its Giving Day countdown with a community-centric “Light The Way Night Walk” on Wednesday, October 27. It was an inspiring evening where local community members gathered in front of Matriark in Sag Harbor to celebrate the season of giving and learn the many ways they can help local girls shine their light brighter through the organization.
Each community member not only shined their light down Main Street that night, but they also dined at participating restaurants to celebrate the night.

Chief Visionary Officer, Theresa Roden said, “I am so grateful for the amazing support of our community and the generosity of K Pasa and Lulu’s for making our Light the Way – Night Walk such a great success! You could feel the love and the light as i-tri girls and parents joined with i-tri staff, board, and supporters and lit up the village of Sag Harbor. This year we are asking for donations that will light the way for 200 or more girls to participate in i-tri’s award-winning empowerment program at no charge!”
i-tri focuses on working with middle-school girls because research shows that the largest drop in self-esteem occurs during early adolescence. Sixty nine percent of elementary school-aged girls reported being “happy the way I am.” That figure plummets to 29 percent for high school girls. i-tri girls learn to believe in themselves, and that can change everything.
Along the journey to the finish line of a youth distance triathlon, i-tri girls discover that they are capable, strong, and brave. They make connections that show them that while they are unique, they’re definitely not alone. Side-by-side, with new friends, i-tri girls learn to go inward to find their own strengths and to help others find theirs.
For more information on i-tri’s season of giving campaign, and to help light the way, visit itrigirls.org. Tune into the Giving Day Streamathon on i-tri’s social media channels on November 4, starting at 11 AM.
To donate you can also text to give, text Lighttheway2021 to 44-321.