Kristen Glosserman: ‘If It’s Not Right, Go Left’

Life coach Kristen Glosserman, a resident of the Hamptons for many years, will launch her new book “If It’s Not Right, Go Left” in September. As a life coach she helps busy New Yorkers “get things done.” Along with her husband Marc, they own Hill Country BBQ in Manhattan. They recently collaborated with Olivier Cheng on his Celebration Home initiative and created a unique Hill Country BBQ home package for Hamptons delivery which includes custom menu, seating cards, playlist and more.

We caught up with Glosserman to learn more.

What inspired you to become a life coach?

I’ve always been a natural motivator and cheerleader. I decided to become a life coach after 10 years of working in sales and management. I love working with people and finding solutions — it’s just that, I wanted to be selling products less, and start selling people on themselves more.

Tell us a little about your practice.

I got my start coaching on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, where I coached Wall Street executives. Today, I run a boutique practice. Currently all my clients are CEOs and founders; I work very well with entrepreneurs and thought leaders. I excel at focus, discipline, goal-setting, and accountability — that’s the essence of my practice and my coaching philosophy.

Tell us about your background and what brought you to this point.

I’ve dedicated my new book, “If It’s Not Right, Go Left” as well as my body of work, to my brother Michael, whom we lost in a ski accident when I was just a teenager. Losing someone so close at such a critical time in life changes you forever, and I felt I had a lot I wanted to accomplish for the both of us. I couldn’t be more proud of my family, my partner, and all that we’ve succeeded at creating and doing together so far.

Talk about your collaboration with Olivier Cheng and the Hill Country BBQ Home Package for Hamptons delivery.

I just can’t say enough about Olivier Cheng and Jennifer Zabinski. They are really remarkable professionals. When the pandemic began, the events business was challenged, as so many were, so they pivoted to at-home experiences. And after trying those experiences at our home, twice, I was really motivated to collaborate with them. I had met Jennifer before at Hill Country, and when I called her, she was immediately open to the possibility of doing something together. We tried the Hill Country Experience At Home over the July Fourth weekend, and it was simply amazing — our guests were raving, and we had a really good time. It’s such a special experience: a party in a box.

Tell us a little about your upcoming book “If It’s Not Right, Go Left.”

My new book, “If It’s Not Right, Go Left” comes out on September 21. It’s an approachable, beautifully illustrated lifestyle guide that’s structured around 11 Life Lessons that I’ve learned, and that get me through almost any situation. Part memoir and part self-help guide, it’s designed to encourage and help readers, no matter where they are in their journey. The lessons have helped me so much, and they continue to, so I’m thrilled to be sharing them.

What is your perfect day like in the Hamptons?

I love waking up, opening the drapes, and seeing the blue skies and the sun. I go downstairs and make some coffee — we have a beautiful little coffee nook outside of our kitchen, where my husband Marc and I sit with our dog and have some “coffee talk.” Then the kids get up and run for a swim, and we have family and friends over for casual alfresco dining. Marc is always on the grill, while I’m usually preparing something with fresh ingredients from one of the local East End farms. My perfect day is just an amazing day with summer tunes on the radio and flip-flops on my feet — it’s magic, and I feel so grateful to have this home to share with the ones I love.

Are there any East End charities that you support and would like to bring attention to?

Marc and I have been really active with philanthropy. We always try to support charities focused around food and family. We are proud supporters of No Kid Hungry, which most recently hooked up with Long Island Cares — some friends and I have discussed doing a No Kid Hungry chef’s dinner out here later this summer/fall.

Jessica Mackin-Cipro


Jessica Mackin-Cipro is an editor and writer from the East End of Long Island. She has won numerous NYPA and PCLI awards for journalism and social media. She was previously the Executive Editor of The Independent Newspaper.

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