It’s officially 2023 and many of us resolve to change an unwelcome trait or behavior, carry out a personal goal, or improve our attitudes at the beginning of a calendar year. The pandemic taught us what are our most coveted priorities: work/life balance and mental/physical health took the spotlight. We asked some of our favorite real estate rockstars what they plan to add/improve/grow about themselves in the new year.

l am honestly not sure I have ever kept a New Year’s resolution. I guess I don’t like being told what to do and not to do – even to myself from myself. Kind of funny! But, I will try really hard to practice being present. If there is anything I learned over the past few years is how fun it can be to embrace all victories – from the tiniest to the most monumental. I am taking this feeling of happiness and appreciation into 2023!

As I get older, time seems to go be going by so quickly. This feeling of “my life is flying by” has caused me to reflect upon each year so that I take on the new year, continuing to appreciate all that I have and work towards a couple of things that are meaningful and achievable for me. So for 2023, my goals are simple: to work out regularly, taking at least 45 minutes out of each day for me. To listen harder so that I learn from others. To contribute to two new charities that I have not previously donated to: one for autism and one for childhood cancer. Lastly, to continue to be committed to my real estate career so that this year’s success is even greater than last years.
I am not one that usually makes New Year’s Resolutions, but rather a small list of a few realistic goals. With the start of this new year, I am focusing attention on my health … getting back to a regular schedule of working out, eating better, and managing stress levels. Real estate is very demanding, and I feel that is it important to pause and take time for myself.

For 2023 I’m taking on a trifecta business attitude: Intuition. Patience. Service.
For me, 2023 will be a year of personal reflection, meaning more thought and less chatter, all the while striving to make sure our clients and customers are rigorously, pleasantly and professionally taken care of. Me-time is becoming a central focus — a relaxed, well-balanced and informed broker is often the best go-to. Working collaboratively, with other brokerages and brokers and within our own team is key. One of Compass’ “ISMS” really struck me before we even joined Compass, and it still is a motivational mantra for me: “Collaboration without ego.” Let 2023 reflect this in all ways possible!

I’ve learned my lesson about unfulfilled resolutions and moved to intentions, which I change every year. This year, my intention is to remove multi-tasking from my routine and focus on that which will serve me, my family, and my business to the very best degree. I’m excited to start!

Every year I make resolutions, and for the most part, I keep them. They are always designed to help me better myself, and in turn be better for those around me. As we walk through life, the journey is what it’s all about. This year my New Year’s resolution is to slow down just a bit. I tend to drive my life like I’m on the Autobahn in my favorite Aston Martin with James Bond as my passenger.

To more carefully plan my work time as I believe there is quality over quantity. I want to invest my time instead of spend it! The past three years have really hit home in regards to burning the work candle at both ends and I realize that carving out downtime is just as important as scheduling work time.

My New Year’s Resolution is to take as good care of myself as I take of my clients. I’m looking forward to continuing to expand my business while taking more time to enjoy life.

To not let the highs and lows in this business affect me as much, and embrace the fact that there are a lot of things outside of my control… which is difficult for a Type-A person!

To try to find a better balance between work and daily personal endeavors. And not allow the winter weather to hinder my activities. I strive to go out more during the coming months, and to especially enjoy the fabulous restaurants that are easier to get into during the off-season. I also hope to expand my exercise routine and experience new forms of physical fitness.

I make small resolutions every day of the year. Usually right when my eyes pop open in the morning. I typically set daily intentions rather than yearly intentions. In 2023, I want to continue to be curious and keep learning. I also have a strong belief in physical movement every day. Keeping a clear mind and having a positive attitude are daily resolutions for me — this year and every year. My life and my business run very smoothly when I focus on those two things.

My New Year’s Resolution can be summed up in one word: Balance. My goal is to continue to strive for balance between all facets of life: Work, family, health, & exercise. I’ve always admired people who balance these things seamlessly, while maintaining a successful career and full life. The more balanced I can be in these areas of life, the more helpful, engaged and knowledgeable I become in service of my clients. One feeds off the other. That’s my goal, and that’s my resolution.

Ah “New Year’s Resolutions!” I don’t love them! I believe every day is a chance to start fresh, and to keep working and evolving towards our personal goals. If you fall off the horse, you get back on it and keep moving forward. That said, lately I have been really trying to focus on setting intentions and on mindfulness. I feel we learned a lot from what the pandemic brought us in terms of what is important and what is “fluff”, and as everything returns to “normal,” moving with intention and mindfulness is more important than ever to me.

Oh! It’s that time again … time for vision boards and resolutions!
I have always believed in setting goals: declaring them, writing them down, picturing them – either on a vision board or in a notebook. This year will be no different.
For me, this year I resolve to:
• Have more girl time … time to shop, have lunch or go on a coffee date to catch up
• Stick to my weekly planner which will give more structure to my business and my free time
• Reach out regularly and systematically to my past clients who are always so pleased when I connect with them — and then I always feel so awful that I have not done so sooner.
• Try something new each month … for me it would be new restaurant!!
• Get back to Greece and cruise the Greek Isles, where I once promised to return after running a marathon there
• Tell someone each day that they are special or that I have been thinking of them … because, in the end, folks don’t care about what you know, until they know you care.