Room to Grow will hold a Fill-A-Truck event on Friday, July 19, from 10 AM to 2 PM at the Sag Harbor Whaling & Historical Museum. Room to Grow is a nonprofit that supports families during children’s critical years of growth, from ages 0 to 3, so they can thrive from the start. For over 25 years, the organization has provided personalized guidance, community connections, and essential material resources to families across the New York and Boston regions.
This Fill-A-Truck event allows the community to drop off new and gently used baby and toddler items, including clothes, books, toys, and more. In 2023, the organization distributed 160,000 items to over 1,000 families, and 95 percent of those items came from supporters.
Those who want to donate can stop by and bring baby and toddler items or contribute to the event financially here.