The White Room Gallery Presents ‘On The Edge’

The White Room Gallery in East Hampton presents “On The Edge,” featuring exhibits by artists Fringe and Seek One. An opening reception will be held on Saturday, May 25, from 5 to 7 PM, and the show will run through June 16.

Art by Seek One / Courtesy White Room Gallery

“Fringe, South Africa’s most renowned pop artist painter/sculptor who exhibits worldwide and is represented exclusively in the U.S by The White Room Gallery, sends a message of reflection hidden in a visual of love and playfulness that seamlessly connects the past to the present,” read a curators’ statement from Andrea McCafferty and Kat O’Neill. “In The Black Room, we have Seek One, a mixed media artist who started on the edge with spray can in hand but soon ventured into the fine art arena, where he found his voice by fusing known and unknown figures with vintage media and graffiti.”

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