Hilary Sheinbaum, journalist and the author of “GOING DRY: A Workbook” and “The Dry Challenge: How to Lose the Booze for Dry January, Sober October, and Any Other Alcohol-Free Month,” shares tips for a successful Dry January.
1. Recruit a Friend
There’s strength, support, and success in numbers. You’ll have someone who is cheering you on (and you’ll be cheering them on, too)! This person will not only uplift you and keep you accountable, but you can also vent to each other if things get tough, and you can make plans with each other when your friends, family, or loved ones are opting for boozy escapades.
2. Try Nonalcoholic Bevs
Replace wines, beers, and spirits with 0% ABV versions. Some of my favorites these days are Giesen 0% Wines, Free Spirits canned cocktails, Mionetto Aperitivo Alcohol-Free, FLUÉRE nonalcoholic spirits, and OLIPOP — yes, I make NA cocktails at home with these flavorful sodas! There are also a ton of options and bundles on BetterRhodes.com if you’re looking for something specific to match your tastes.
3. Be Kind to Yourself!
Giving up booze can be very hard, and it’s everywhere. It’s okay if you slip up – just start again. (Important to note: dry months and dry advice are not for people in recovery or seeking a recovery program, so if you are having difficulty with Dry January early on, please consult with your doctor or a medical expert.)
4. Make a Plan From Start to Finish
Envision your night. When you’re going out with friends, on a date, or at a party, what are you ordering or sipping? How are you responding to people’s questions? Plan your outings in advance and prepare!
5. Use an App
On that note, if you’re going to a bar or restaurant, first check if they have nonalcoholic options (often alongside boozy ones) by using BetterWithout. Another great app that can help you curb alcohol consumption is Reframe. It’s backed by science and has helped nearly 1 million people lessen their alcohol intake.