The Hamptons real estate market is thriving, which for many sales agents has been a relief. The median price for a home is up 40 percent and the number of home sales is up 51 percent – while the inventory of homes on the market fell about 28 percent. A forty-year veteran in the region, Tim Davis is one of a handful of the East End real estate rockstars that, in recent years, has never let a pesky slump get in the way of staggering sales numbers which just accelerated further in 2020. Most lists rank him in the top 10 year after year, regardless of the market, so we reached out to learn how he does it.
You have been one of the biggest real estate rockstars in Hamptons real estate. What is your secret?
I’m very responsive and never forget that first and foremost, this is a service business.
How has the COVID-19 crisis affected your business?
It connected us to the public in a real way. Clients needed us at a time when they were the most vulnerable. It was extremely rewarding finding so many new clients homes to rent or to purchase.
How are you performing business currently? Are you conducting open houses and if so, how are they executed?
The open houses are being handled on a “by appointment” basis. In person showings with COVID guidelines happen selectively.
Are you personally seeing a permanent migration to the East End from city folk as we have heard?
Without question, we are seeing and feeling the change in population here in the Hamptons. I read this weekend that nearly 6,000 new residents have decided to make the East End their permanent home. We are quite fortunate in that regard.
How many years of experience do you now have in selling homes on the East End?
My career of selling homes on the East End spans forty years.
How did you get started in the industry?
Nearly 10 years into my career I started working with Allan M. Schneider Associates. I was one of the six partners who purchased his small boutique real estate firm in 1992 from his estate. In 2006, I, along with two other partners, sold the firm we grew into a twelve office, 350 agent firm to NRT.
Are there any homes that you’ve sold that you’re particularly proud of in 2020?
It has certainly been a year of many proud moments. However, I am pleased to have navigated the sale of the Macklowe’s residence on Georgica Pond.
What is some advice you would give sellers right now?
Look closely at the recent sales data which is quite abundant. Don’t overprice your home thinking that the market value has necessarily increased beyond the closed sales data. A flood of overpriced properties could stall the flow of our market right now.
What about getting to buyers? Is there a new objective towards attracting buyers to the scale of homes that you sell?
Provide as much data about existing conditions, current zoning, expansion possibilities, and the importance of still buying the best locations.
What are some trends you are seeing in homes that are now important but wasn’t prior to the COVID-19 outbreak?
New construction has become hyper focused. Home offices and enough room to host family and friends is critical.
What marketing channels are you using to market your exclusives and to attract sellers these days?
I’ve expanded in the digital world and have developed strategic alliances and deployed effective marketing pieces.
How do you see the market playing out in 2021?
I expect the market to continue to be robust in 2021. We need new, fairly priced inventory on a broad scale. I feel the very high end will be particularly strong.
What do you do for fun when you’re not working in 2020?
My fun involved a number of quick trips to Newport to see my grandchildren and I subscribed to a Barton and Gray membership which enabled me to spend some quality time on the water in a Hinckley boat captained by some of the best crew. Duryea’s in Orient was one of my favorite Sunday spots.
If anyone is manifesting the American dream, it is Tim Davis – through compassion and gratitude.
Timothy Davis
Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker
24 Main Street, Southampton
Office: 631-702-9211
Mobile: 516-356-5736
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