We Swoon Over Swoon: A Talk With Co-Founders Jennifer Ross & Cristina Ros Blankfein

Swoon’s mission is to take sugar out of society. And that starts with a replacement for sugary drinks — like the lemonade you once enjoyed as a kid or the cocktails you now love as an adult.

“I’m Type 1 diabetic. I was diagnosed when I was six years old,” said co-founder Jennifer Ross, who explained that she cannot have sugar in her diet. As a child she recalled, “being at birthday parties, I couldn’t have the cake. I couldn’t have the pink lemonade at school.”

Ross said that she always knew she wanted to “give back and help the diabetic community.” While not a doctor or researcher, creating Swoon was an alternative way for her to give back.

“Two-thirds of adult Americans are pre-diabetic,” she said. “So much of that is because of diet and exercise. If we can have an impact on that — on the diet side of things — and prevent so many people from ultimately getting diabetes, that is something I always wanted to do.”

Watch the full interview. James Lane Post’s Christine Prydatko talks with Swoon co-founders Jennifer Ross and Cristina Ros Blankfein about the product, as well as their give-back mission to Food Bank For New York City.

The Swoon product family includes a simple syrup, cocktail mixers, and a lemonade. All are made sweet using monk fruit, a melon that’s naturally sweet without the glycemic impact of sugar. It works well not only for those with diabetes, but also those on a Keto diet or just looking to cut out some sugar.

“It doesn’t have that aftertaste bite or any kind of off notes that people have come to expect in sugar substitutes,” said co-founder Cristina Ros Blankfein. “I know the work that it took to get it right and to really perfect the sweetness profile,” she noted.

For each case of lemonade sold, Swoon donates a can to the Food Bank For New York City.

“We’re based in New York, so it made sense to do it in our own backyard,” said Ross.

When Food Bank For New York City started doing meal kits to give out during the pandemic, Swoon started providing lemonade as a way to round out each meal.

“We just felt that it was such a great partnership, knowing that it was a need that they had,” Ross continued.

On the East End you can find Swoon at each of Citarella’s markets. “We’ve had great partnerships with Amber Waves Farm, which is a spot we both really love,” said Blankfein. “Golden Pear, they’ve been a great partner to us. They carry the syrup as well at their coffee bar.”

You can also find Swoon online, at www.tasteswoon.com.

Cocktail Recipe: Swoon’s Ginger Lemonade


1 can Swoon Classic Lemonade

2 oz Vodka

1 Lemon, juiced

1 oz Water

1 tsp Shredded Ginger


Jessica Mackin-Cipro


Jessica Mackin-Cipro is an editor and lifestyle writer from the East End of Long Island. She was previously the Executive Editor of The Independent Newspaper and co-founded James Lane Post in 2020. She has won multiple NYPA and PCLI awards for journalism, design, and social media, including the Stuart C. Dorman Award for Editorial Excellence. In 2023, she was a recipient of the President's Volunteer Service Award at the United Nations 67th Annual Commission on the Status of Women. She aims to share the stories of inspirational people and places on the East End and beyond.

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