The Kilkea’s Royal Romance was created by Dawid Smietana, Kilkea Castle’s food & beverage Manager. The beverage is served at Kilkea Castle’s Hermione’s Restaurant, The Bistro, Restaurant 1180, and The Keep, the traditional Irish pub in the castle in Ireland.
Kilkea’s Royal Romance
2/3 cup of Cranberry juice
1 tsp Grenadine
¼ cup Vodka
Handful of ice
1 lime wedge
4 raspberries
Chilled prosecco or Champagne to top up
Step 1
Mix the cranberry juice, grenadine, and vodka together in a jug with a handful of ice. Or, do this in a cocktail shaker. Squeeze over the lime wedge and stir with a mixing spoon or shake briefly if using a cocktail shaker.
Step 2
Strain the cocktail into two champagne glasses. Drop two raspberries into each glass, then top up with prosecco or sparkling wine to serve.